Victor Philippe

Junior Developer

Junior developer seeking opportunities to integrate a team and grow, highly motivated to fulfill your needs.

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Projects I've worked on

I have built numerous projects fulfilling different objectives, in various languages.

Educational background

I am mostly self taught, and I took the opportunity to attend various training and educational opportunities.

Student at School 19

School 19I am currently a student at Campus19 - Brussels, 19 is a member of the 42 Network.

I am learning :

  • C programming
  • C++ programming
  • Web Development
  • Linux sysadmin

CS 50 - C course from Harvard

cs50I attended the CS50 Computer Science Course from Harvard in 2023 and completed the C programming assignments

I learned :

  • C programming basics
  • Pointers and File Management
  • Structs and data structures

Becode Web Bootcamp

becodeA Web developer bootcamp in Liège, Belgium that I attended in 2019

I learned :

  • NodeJS
  • HTML + CSS
  • Sass
  • ReactJS
  • VueJS
  • PostgreSQL
  • GraphQL